ŠKODA 21 Tr trolleybus no. 496 from 2004 from 2004

ŠKODA 21 Ab bus no. 445 from 1997

ŠKODA 21 Tr trolleybus no. 496 from 2004

The youngest vehicle in our historical vehicle park which you won't find in regular service anymore is the Trolleybus type 21 Tr. These were the first low-floor Czech trolleybuses. As in the case of the 21 Ab buses, this vehicle is a representative of a breakthrough type of trolleybus transport vehicle. Intrestingly, it's also the last type of trolleybus fully developed in Škoda Ostrov and coincidentally one of the last trolleybuses produced there, as production at Ostrov ended in 2004, the same year this vehicle was made.

Subsequently, all trolleybus production was transferred back to Pilsen, where trolleybuses began to be developed fully unified with bus bodies. The offered vehicle is equipped with auxiliary diesel propulsion, providing these trolleybuses with an additional unique service, particularly appreciated by operators. In Pilsen, they allowed trolleybus routes to expand to areas without overhead wires. These vehicles and their successors have prooven invaluable during replacement services, diversions, and other operational events.

The bus has a seating capacity of 27 seats and a recommended standing capacity of 23 passengers.

The bus cannot be operated from November 1st to March 31st

Information about vehicle
Year of manufacture 2004
Seats 27
Places to stand 70
Total places 97
How much does it cost
first hour 3 000,00 Kč
2 678,57 Kč without DPH
each additional ¼ hour started 500,00 Kč
446,43 Kč without DPH

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