ŠKODA 9 TR from 1979

ČKD T2 tram no. 133 from 1958

ŠKODA 9 TR Trolleybus no. 323 from 1979

Škoda 9 Tr Trolleybuses were manufactured between 1961 and 1982 at the Škoda factory in Ostrov nad Ohří. A total of 722 vehicles were delivered to the cities of the former Czechoslovakia. In Pislen between 1961 and 1994, a total of 153 trolleybuses of this type in various series and desings were replaced. During operation the vehicles usually did not undergo major repairs and were replaced by new ones after only 9-12 years.

Pilsen ended the operation of vehicles Škoda 9 TR in June 1994. Last trolleybus of this type in Czech republic arrived in Jihalava in May 1997. We managed to save this vehicle, with registration number 323, which was in service under Pilsen trolleybus line from 1979 until November 1991. After being decommissioned in the summer of 1993, it was sold in complete condition to the owner of the aviation museum AIR in Zruč, where it served as a storage unit for three years without any maintanence. On Sempteber 8th, 1996 was purchased by a member of the Škoda - Pilsen Bus club and reconstruction has began. In 1999 was also acuired vehicle No. 344, which served as a source of spare parts. In October 2010, PMDP, a.s. repurchased vehicle No. 323 and after complete reconstruction in 2011, they included it in their collection of historical vehicles. Book a ride in this unique trolleybus as reminisce with us about years gone by...

The capacity of the trolleybus is 28 seats and recommended 42 standings places.

The trolleybus cannot be operated from November 1 to March 31.

Information about vehicle
Year of manufacture 1979
Seats 28
Places to stand 42
Total places 70
How much does it cost
first hour 4 000,00 Kč
3 571,43 Kč without DPH
each additional ¼ hour started 550,00 Kč
491,07 Kč without DPH

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